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    2 Art Reviews

    2 w/ Responses

    its alright

    however you might want to re-evaluate her anatomy. you seem to have a decent grasp on it here, but if you look closely you'll notice some errors. such as her hands not being the same size and her arms not being the same length.

    her left breast is significantly lower than the other. i can see what you were trying to go for with the pose by doing it, but i feel like its already established well enough by the outline of her body. simply redrawing the breast farther up will make her look a lot better. her markings, while they help accentuate her body and her pose, seem to be a little lopsided. from this angle you wouldn't see the markings on her right hip/thigh this much. contributing to the lopsided look is the bellybutton, which is also skewed too far to the right (or her left).

    i like that you attempted a background and a light source, so that there is an actual scene being depicted as opposed to just a sexy drawing of a husky posing in a bikini. unfortunately, compared to the husky, the background looks rushed, or you didn't put as much effort into it as you did the husky. especially the plants, which are colored in rather sloppily. the light source is behind her, and yet the lighting on her appears to be coming from in front of her (i would recommend not using lens flare in the future, as it tends to be incredibly tacky). another thing is that this doesn't really look like a morning like the title implies. mornings tend to be more pink/orange; this just looks like its taking place at night.

    the little beach looks like its just floating on top of the water. if you can see the husky's legs through the water, why can't you see the beach through the water? another thing to think about is, if she is only a foot or two away from the shore, why is she standing in water up to her knees? that's some drop! it also makes it look as though you are not comfortable drawing legs, so you hid them by drawing her knee-deep in water.

    my only other observation is that she doesn't look like a husky at all. sure, she's fluffy like a husky, and her body markings are similar to that of a husky, but she just ends up looking more like a generic canine-furry than any recognizable breed. one thing that might help would be to shrink her tail down considerably, because at its current size it looks more like a skunk tail. you could also try changing or removing her bangs entirely, so that you can draw markings that would identify her immediately as a husky, ie. the white eyebrow spots above the eyes.

    TheBurningDonut responds:

    The only thing I'd reallt dissagree about is the breasts her back is arched at an angle and her arm is lifted with lifts the breast with it....

    BUT I see your point...

    As for everything else you are pretty right on about, I am just sucky at making backgrounds, and it SUPPOSED to be like a Japanese garder with a little pond in it rather than a beach, but that just goes to show my lack of skill in backgrounds.

    I feel bad that I didn't impress you but at least you gave an honest well argued point as to why!

    needs a lot of work

    i don't want to sound mean but Emily here has some crippling deformities.

    lets take a look at her head - it seems to swell up at the back, while the top of it appears to be very flat (the area behind her bangs). her forehead juts out oddly under her bangs. speaking of her forehead, she doesn't appear to have much of one does she? not only that, but her hairline is crooked, working against the angle her head is tilted at. the hoops of her earrings are too low as well; with her head tilted the way it is, her ears would be up much higher, thus the hoops would be higher up as well, closer to her eyes than her jawline.

    unfortunately her body doesn't fair to well either - i know that you were probably going for skinny, but you did so at the expense of a proper skeleton.

    her neck and shoulders look unnatural. from what i can tell this is because you failed to include her clavicles. from the angle you drew her at these would be very prominent. without them i get the impression that her shoulders are just little bumps growing lopsidedly out of her neck. another thing that poor Emily is missing in this area is her trapezius muscles ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezius_muscle ). you'll notice that the straps of her bikini are at two very different angles; i feel that this is partly because the farthest shoulder is too low, and partly because of her missing trapeziuses (trapezii?). this muscle sits behind and a little bit higher than the clavicles. the bikini straps would be mostly resting on this muscle, so no matter how the shoulders are positioned, the trapeius, and thus the bikini straps, would stay in pretty much the same place.

    the rest of her is lacking as well. she doesn't have much of a ribcage. it curves in too far and stops too early; definitely not strong enough to hold up her massive bosom. an observation i've made about Emily's breasts is that they are shaded quite a bit more than her face and the rest of her body; unfortunately this makes her look as flat as a sheet of paper.

    other than her head, i think the second worst part of this picture is her hips and thighs. this area looks the flattest, partly because of the shading but mostly because of the anatomical errors. she looks like she has no butt, because of the near-straight lines you used for her waist and hips. from this angle, you would see a little bit of butt peeking out behind her crotch (which is too high and small). i'd also like to direct your attention to her left thigh; what is that buldge that is partially hidden by the ties of her bikini bottom? her hands aren't very good either, particularly because her right hand is much larger than her left.

    the water seems to only exist to cover up her legs mid-thigh, it makes it look like you're hiding her legs because you don't feel confident drawing them. the water itself isn't very convincing either.

    i get the feeling that you're using anime to teach yourself how to draw. i can't tell you what to do with your art but i would recommend cutting it out! if you want to improve your art you need to study the anatomy of real life humans. it will make your anime art look much more natural and polished if you do. i hope this critique is helpful!

    Da-Chibi responds:

    **edit* I find your critique more critical and less helpful. There is a reason why Emily is so "Horribly Deformed" It's called exssageration. I inentionally deforemed her body to make it appear more appealing, and it is this deformity which is actually appealing to a great number of people. Just because you're not one of them, dosesn't give you the license to "recommaend" me to "cut it out"

    However I am constantly seeking methods in making my art look a lot pollished and sharper and for the crits, I thank you. But for your overelaborate negative analisis of my pic, you can just roll it up and fornicate yourself where it fells wrong. Mainly because, you've appearantly put more effort into trashing my art than I have in creating it.

    I don't need my ego stroked, and I don't draw to please pesimistic knickpickers such as yourself. I draw because I have the ability to do so and I enjoy doing it.

    i'm something of an ARTIST but unfortunately i haven't drawn or done any sort of art thing very much over the past year or so and i'm hoping to change that!

    Age 36, Female



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